Whether it is Thanksgiving, a different holiday, or just a big family gathering, when the meal is over, there are plenty of leftovers. And the thing you always seem to have the most of is the mashed potatoes. Sure, everyone loved them, but there are just so many. Rather than let them go bad and having to throw them out, maybe you should consider a good potato pancake recipe.
Before you get started, check to see that you have all the necessary ingredients. Of course you have the potatoes. You also need flour, milk, an egg, onion, vegetable oil (canola, corn or a vegetable blend) and a little salt and pepper. You may substitute bacon drippings for the oil.
To yield 4 pancakes, you will use 2 cups of your mashed potatoes. Combine them with 1/2 cup of flour, 1/4 cup of milk and 3 tablespoons of diced onion. Depending on how your family feels about onion flavor in their food, more can be used. Thoroughly mix all this together and then form it into 4 patties. Forming them on tin oil or wax paper may make it easier since the mixture may be sticky.
Fry the pancakes in hot (not smoking) oil or bacon drippings that generously covers an electric or traditional skillet. Fry for approximately three minutes on each side or until each side is golden brown. Be sure the patties are hot throughout and the minced onion is tender. To avoid the mixture sticking to your spatula as you press down the pancake in the pan, try spraying it with cooking spray.
The pancakes can be served with pork, chicken, fish and beef. They also make great appetizers. For variety, add to your potato mixture some crumpled bacon or shredded cheese. In addition to salt and pepper, you can top your creation with butter, sour cream, gravy, ketchup, melted cheese sauce, or hot sauce.
This is the traditional American style potato pancake recipe. To spice things up, you can also try the German style potato hotcakes which use grated potatoes instead of mashed. These are crispier and more similar to hash browns.
Find many more recipes like this potato pancake recipe on Andrews pancake recipe website. If you like you pancakes made with vegetables and salty you can also try ham and cheese pancake recipe. It’s delicious and none of the recipes are hard to make!
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