Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ideas For Flavorsome Chicken Pastas

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You might mix together two classic ingredients to make tasty chicken pastas. They’re usually simple to put together and you get the healthy combination of carbohydrates and protein that gives you balance and taste. These two ingredients can be mixed in several different ways and you can use other foods to make up good meals that can be eaten during separate times of the day.

Your choices range from a Mediterranean choice to salad and more straightforward meals which can be appropriate for a sit down meal in the evening. You are only limited by your imagination when it comes to dishes you can serve up. A few options are listed below…

A salad based around pasta is handy to have for lunch, and is also good to have after exercising to help your body recuperate. Cut the poultry into little pieces and season with salt and pepper. While this is happening cook your pasta in boiling salted water. Fry up the chicken in olive oil and garlic until fully done. Leave this to one side to cool down. When your pasta is done drain and then cool. When they’re both at the correct temperature stir them in together with chopped chives and light mayonnaise.

Think about using a nice sauce to enhance the flavor of both ingredients. Tomato sauce that’s homemade using sieved tomatoes has a rich flavor. Add parsley, chopped onions and basil to give it a more authentic flavor. Combine these ingredients in a large saucepan and serve with a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese.

Pesto is made by combining pine nuts, basil and olive oil. It is quite low in fat and the tangy flavor can be something of an acquired taste, but it’s well worth trying out. A ready-made pesto can be purchased or you can blend up your own using the aforementioned ingredients. When you serve it with chicken and pasta it gives you a pleasant smelling dish that’s light on the tummy and can be served for lunch or dinner.

For a more indulgent chicken pasta, grate a bowl full of your favorite hard cheese and combine grilled chicken and pasta lightly dressed in oil. Add the grated cheese and stir it in. To make this even nicer you can put it into a casserole dish and heat it gently until the cheese melts and goes sticky. This can prove quite rich, but has some strong tastes to be enjoyed by people who enjoy bold, simple flavors.

You may integrate ingredients which are more healthful by preparing spaghetti and broccoli. This combines pasta with garlic, grilled chicken and Parmesan cheese. Make sure the spaghetti is fully cooked then drain, and make sure it’s dry. Use some steamed broccoli and toss the spaghetti in oil and garlic then mix everything together and top with grated Parmesan.

Chicken pastas can be enjoyed integrated in a variety of other ways. Most of the dishes listed benefit from the addition of other things like a pinch of black pepper which helps to combine flavors. It can also be useful to have a range of herbs and condiments available so that you can experiment with new combinations.

Get the low down on ideas for better chicken pastas now in our complete review of everything you need to know about fabulous pasta with chicken recipes.

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