Friday, April 22, 2011

Foodies Guide – Sixteen Tips For Restaurant Eating

Many people, maybe including yourself, enjoy eating at a restaurant or simply go there for the convenience. We have come up with sixteen quick tips for anytime you have to eat out.

If you eat healthy food or sensible portions, that you like, you can stick with eating healthy for life.

When portioning your food, spacing is a matter of great importance. Water should be a part of every meal.

Going back to overeating, portion your food so that your stomach is only halfway full, no more than that. Drink one part water for every two parts of food you eat per meal. You also need to make space for air in your stomach – leave it at one quarter or more.

Wait five to ten minutes in between courses, and eat no more than half a portion at a restaurant. Restaurant portions are commonly two to four meals on a single or double plate.

We’re talking two to four meals, which is a significant amount of food to eat in a course of a meal – when the time comes for you to drink water, chances are you would have had more than enough.

In the Providence, RI area, there are some restaurants where the single portions could feed a family of four. No wonder a man of 200 lbs. is now considered thin. Do not make comparisons to other people. Eat to live and enjoy your food, but do not use someone else’s over indulgence as an excuse for your own.

Do not let your appetite get the better of you. Many of us think that if our plate isn’t clean, we automatically skipped the meal. Ah, the memories of childhood and Mom at the dinner table. Move on, my friends and have the rest of your food to go if you can’t finish it all.

Always eat something for breakfast and never “skip it.” The tendency is to overcompensate for a skipped breakfast when eating lunch or dinner.

Eat slowly and thoroughly chew your food.

Eat a light yet hearty and healthy meal before hitting the sack. I’m a vegetarian, so my meal planner goes something like this – a bowl of corn flakes on Monday, veg salad with extra virgin olive oil on Tuesday, rice with carrots and greens on Wednesday, and so on – you get the idea. For those who eat meat or fish: turkey, chicken, or salmon salad on top of fresh greens.

Down with the desserts, sugary foods and carbs, and no second helpings in the afternoon onwards.

Sugar is absolutely a must to avoid, but you can get around this by eating fruit or having low fat yogurt, or maybe some low fat cottage cheese with fruit.

If you must have coffee or alcohol, beware that these should be consumed in extreme moderation. Not only are they generally unhealthy, but they dehydrate the body and require you to drink extra water. Wine is much better than hard alcohol, but one or two glasses a day is the limit.

Browse thousands of easy recipes and add something new to your meal tonight. Our all recipes site is categorized, so it’s easy to find what you’re looking for.

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