Monday, September 20, 2010

What Kinds Of Juices Are Best During Pregnancy?

Being pregnant is one of the most momentous parts of a mother’s life. This is that important phase of a woman’s being that will really challenge her. On time of conception, women start to become more sensitive as another life is being developed. Choosing food is a good step to make sure that what she takes in her system will be beneficial to her health.

Juice intake is advisable during pregnancy to endow the necessary vitamins for the baby’s development. However, does all pregnant woman know the different kinds of juice they should intake during pregnancy? If yes, do they know what makes these juices important during pregnancy? Below are the lists of juices that are best to intake during pregnancy.

Orange – this fruit contains a high percentage of vitamin C that helps boost the immune system for both mother and baby. Not all medicine is safe to take during pregnancy so as much as possible woman should intake vitamin C to lower the risk of having various illnesses such as colds and flu. Orange juice also contains a fairly amount of potassium needed during pregnancy.

Apple Juice – To prevent weight loss during and after pregnancy, apple juice is one of the solutions to it. Increasing weight is alarming for most mothers out there after the pregnancy but apple juice consumption during pregnancy will help alleviate this worry. There is a research that says this fruit helps enhance the utility of the brain need by the fetus inside mother’s womb and also a good source of iron for mothers.

Peach – potassium and iron are the most needed minerals that a pregnant woman needs, that’s why peaches are advisable to mothers as these can give them the right amount that should be taken. These helps out the ladies get away from anemia and indigestion as it is a good laxative too. Peach juice is a good source of antioxidants as it aids in keeping the bladder, kidney and blood healthy.

Strawberry – during pregnancy woman losses the natural glow of their skin thus consumption of strawberry juice is recommended because it has high water content to maintain the natural glow of the skin since dehydrated skin is a no no for woman. Strawberry also filled with soluble fiber for a healthy heart. Folate is necessary all throughout pregnancy. Strawberry juice is perfect to provide your baby with the right nutrient to development a strong bones and teeth.

Carrot – carrot is a well know vegetable juice. It is jump-packed with carotene which is converted as Vitamin A cleansing the liver and giving a good eye sight. It has also Vitamin E to promote healthier hair, skin and nail. It helps also in preventing problems on the thyroid glands.

Grapes – for the baby, Phosphorus, Niacin and calcium are needed, which are found from grapes.

Lemon juice – citrus juice has Bioflavonoids, Vitamin C, and Potassium that pregnant woman needs; lemon juice is known for this.

Various fruits can be taken by pregnant women. However, there should be proper knowledge of which to take and why to take them. There should also be an understanding why it is important for their health. The meal intake of those pregnant must be managed personally as these will affect the baby that she is carrying in her womb.

Want to find out more about juicer, then visit Emma Deangela’s site on how to choose the best breville juicer for your needs.

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