Monday, November 29, 2010

What Do I Use to Serve Soup?

Setting the table for soup can be a daunting task. You have seen it on television… everyone is seated at the long dining table while servants move around serving the soup to each person. Most of us do not have that luxury. So, how do we handle serving soup without servants?

It can be placed on the table in a tureen. This is a large container usually made of ceramic or china. If you have an attractive soup kettle, you can place that on the table. Serving it is still an issue, however. It is so hard not to slop soup from the ladle onto the tablecloth.

If one person is doing the serving, the tureen can be set in front of that person while another one takes the filled bowls to the various diners. However, what bowls do you use? If you have some that matches a tureen that is a plus. This is not always possible, though.

Many people use flat bowls with rims for salad, pasta, and soup. Cream soup is often served in a bowl like this. The large surface area provided lets it cool quickly to a safe temperature. These bowls look lovely with a consomm or other clear-based creations.

Wide soup bowls are very similar to the rimmed bowls already described. These bowls offer even more surface area for cooling your soup. They are very elegant on the table. The wide rims really present the soup nicely, creating a wonderful focal point at each place. These bowls are a perfect choice for clear or pureed soups and other foods that are semi-liquid.

Bowls with little to no rim are called coupe bowls. You can find them in round, square or even elliptical shapes. They can be made of stoneware, ceramic or any other material. They make excellent soup bowls for almost any occasion. The ability to have different shapes makes eating it more fun.

Bowls with two handles and a saucer are known as soup and saucer bowls. They look lovely for any setting. You can usually find these when you purchase 5-piece place settings. The designs may be plain or decorative. They are perfect for almost any occasion, and work well for bisques and cream bases.

An onion soup bowl is usually a lugged bowl. This is a bowl with a small handle on one side. These bowls are usually built of sturdy materials like stoneware or ceramic. They are usually oven safe, which works well for French onion soup. You can also use these bowls for stew, chicken and dumplings or chili.

Knowing which bowl to use for your occasion and type of soup makes your table look more sophisticated. While it may take awhile to learn about and collect all the different styles, you will have the time to choose the styles you like best. If you do not have a lot of storage room for your dishes, choosing a few select styles will let you serve any soup with style and grace.

Quick French onion soup recipes will provide you with a delicious meal in about a half hour. Your hungry family will appreciate this comforting meal that is ready so fast. Go ahead and make some on cool evenings. Your family will get warm and full at the same time.

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