Monday, October 11, 2010

Creating A Delicious Pizza Sauce

If you are making your own pizza, you may want to try making your own sauce, too. However, what do you do? Where do you start? Should you just use sauce from a jar? Should you look for recipe? What is the best method to create the perfect pizza?

While plenty of people will just tell you to go get a jar of spaghetti sauce from the store, there are just as many people who will disagree with you. You will hear everything from which type of tomato is best to discussions about whether you should cook it or not. In fact, some delicious pizzas are made that only have a light drizzle of olive oil on top before you add your toppings.

Most people, however, think of a tomato-based sauce when they think of pizza. Fresh tomatoes from your garden or a local farm are best, but they are not always available. Second best would be canned plum or Italian tomatoes. Make sure the can does not say “Italian-style”… that is different. Even in cans, whole tomatoes are best for making sauce. If you like it smooth, you can use a food processor or blender after you remove the seeds.

Good pizza sauce is thick so it will not make your crust soggy. Use your favorite herbs to season it with. Oregano, basil and thyme all work well with tomatoes. At this point, you could use it as an uncooked style and spread it on your pizza. Many people prefer this method because it cooks with the pizza. If you prefer to cook your sauce on the stove, do not put the herbs in until later.

For a cooked version, you want to choose your pot carefully. Tomatoes are known for their acidity and will react with certain types of cookware such as iron or aluminum. Cooking can also thicken a thin sauce, but you must remember it will also change the flavor of it. Extra virgin olive oil works well in cooked verity.

Before you dump those tomatoes in, cook up some onions and garlic for your pizza sauce recipe. The onions will sweeten as they brown lightly, and the garlic adds flavor and depth. Saut them in butter or olive oil. When they are ready, add the tomatoes, and stir them together.

Season your sauce with salt and pepper and let it cook at a low simmer. You may need more later, so taste it before using it. Some cooks prefer adding just a little bit of sugar or honey to the sauce to help cut the acidity of the tomatoes. Not every palate agrees with this, so taste it first and see what you think. Sugar is a natural acid neutralizer. This is a nice way to get a delicious sauce if you like it a bit sweeter.

If you did not add herbs before this, add them now. Other herbs you can use besides those previously mentioned include cayenne, fennel, and parsley. Dig into your cupboard and see what sounds good. You can also use balsamic vinegar, wine, or beef stock to get a more robust flavor.

With homemade pizza recipes you never have to restrict your pizza toppings because you can make mix and match pizzas with all different toppings on which somehow go together wonderfully. We have some great ideas for pizza toppings at our site for you to use in your homemade pizza recipes.

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