Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Soup For Every Bowl

Soup is a part of every culture and cuisine. This amazing comfort food comes in so many varieties it is hard to keep track of them all. While your favorite may be tomato soup, someone else is hoping for a delicious clam chowder or bird’s nest soup from China. Soup is a form of nutrition all over the world that also gives comfort.

Chilled verities come from all over the world. Russia makes not only a hot and a cold borscht using different recipes, they also make a cold kind called Okroshka, which is a vegetable and ham combination is made with kefir. Vichyssoise is a French cold verity made of potatoes and leeks. Tarator is a Bulgarian cold verity made from cucumbers and yogurt.

If you want to savor something completely new to you, try Sour Soup from Vietnam. It is made with fish, vegetables, rice, and pineapple. Another kind you may find interesting is Beer Soup. This recipe hails from the Middle Ages. You heat up beer and slices of bread. Other ingredients are sometimes added. Another bread-based kind is Panada, which is made from eggs, beef broth, bread scraps, and Parmesan cheese.

If you enjoy a good broth, there are many you can choose from. Avgolemono is a Greek one that is made from rice, lemon juice and the yolk of an egg. Scotch broth is obviously from Scotland. The ingredients in this traditional verity include vegetables, barley, and mutton. Panada is a bread soup. It is made with eggs, leftover bread, beef broth, and Parmesan cheese. Consomm is the ultimate broth.

If you really want to try something different, take a look at Psarosoupa, is Greek and made of fish, vegetables, rice, and a sauce made of lemon and oil. Winter melon is from China. It is made by steaming meat, vegetables, and winter melon for hours. Miso is from Japan. It is a broth made with dashi, which is a fish broth, miso, which is made of fermented soy, and small pieces of wakame (seaweed) and tofu. The solid ingredients may vary from kitchen to kitchen.

You can always try a kind with a name that will amuse your friends. Snert is a pea verity from the Netherlands that is served with sliced sausage. It sounds perfect for winter. Cock-a-leekie is a Scottish verity made of chicken broth, potatoes, and leeks. Fufu and Egusi soup is from Nigeria. It is made of fish, meat, vegetable and balls made of ground melon seed.

If you like vegetables, an onion soup recipe may fill the bill. You can make it completely vegetarian and use vegetable broth or you can make it with beef broth. Lentil soup is popular in the Mediterranean and Middle East. Lentils are high in protein and very filling. Shchav is a soup made from the sorrel plant that is popular in Yiddish, Polish, and Russian cultures.

If you like chowders, you will know how good they are. They are usually thick and creamy and feature seafood of one kind or another. Clam chowder is probably the best known. Corn chowder is also very popular with some people. The sweet corn gives it a wonderful flavor.

An exciting French onion soup recipe is just what you need to warm up on a cold day. The warmth of the beef broth buried under the sizzling cheese and bread is just what the doctor ordered when you have had a long, hard day. Relax with this traditional soup.

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