Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Make Old Fashioned Chicken Noodle Soup Better!

There are probably as many recipes for chicken soup out there, as there are chefs, but many of them are very similar. This tasty, homey meal is a popular one with all kinds of people, as well as being a common home remedy for colds and flu. However, the same old chicken noodle soup every time can get pretty boring. Let us take a look at some ways you can spice things up without giving up your soup.

Even if you stick with your regular basic recipe, you can add in a few new ingredients that will change the flavor and texture. Greens like beet leaves, spinach, and kale can add a lot of interest to chicken soup, plus some vitamins it could really use.

Even changing the type of meat you are using can make a difference in your soup. Instead of using shredded or chunked chicken meat, consider simmering ground chicken in your broth, instead. You will find that it offers more flavor and a heartier feel to the soup, even if you are using a canned broth. Add a few noodles and whatever vegetables you prefer to get a meal that only takes a half hour, but tastes great.

How about some new herbs and spices? Most traditional chicken soups include sage or poultry seasoning, if they include any herbs at all. Adding basil, oregano, or bay can make your chicken noodle soup recipe a lot more interesting than usual. How about a little hot pepper, for a deliciously spicy version of your old favorite?

Do not forget to look to other cultures, too. Every culture that has the chicken has a variation on chicken soup, and some of them are really interesting. Bok choy, ginger, and bean sprouts can add a little bit of an Asian flavor to your ordinary chicken noodle soup. Try substituting your regular noodles for rice noodles, and if you are feeling really adventurous, add a little spicy kim chee.

Try coconut milk and curry paste to make a Thai inspired chicken soup, and do not forget to add a little ginger and lime. Czech chicken soup includes allspice, whole pepper, and parsley root, while mushrooms and leeks can add a European flavor. Do not be afraid to experiment!

For a heartier chicken noodle stew, include bigger chunks of chicken and vegetables and sturdier noodles. Substitute in whole grain noodles for the ones you usually use if you would like to make your soup heartier and healthier, too. Millet and barley can also be a big help.

Even though chicken soup is an old favorite, sometimes it needs a little something to stay interesting. If you feel like your chicken soup is not as good as it could be, maybe you should take the time to try something new. You might just need a few changes to update your favorite recipes.

International flare why not try our chicken tortilla soup or maybe a little more mainstream like one of our chicken noodle soup find them at the site for chicken soup.

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