Saturday, August 7, 2010

Indian Recipes – Chief Ingredients In Indian Cuisines

Ever thought of ways you can cook your very own Indian cuisine that is much like the ones you tasted in restaurants? Prior to that, you must first learn the essentials of cooking Indian food, and be familiar with the crucial ingredients utilized in cooking Indian food.

Almost every food draws its base from the oil in which it is cooked and it is important to note that Indian cuisines use a lot of clarified butter and ghee. It is the most prevalent oil utilized when preparing any Indian cuisine. Ghee adds flavor, aroma, and taste, has no hydrogenated oils so it is perfect for health conscious folks, and in addition doesn’t have milk proteins so it is not dangerous for lactose allergic individuals.

Ghee assists digestion by stimulating the digestive juices and when used in moderate quantities, can bring in health benefits. It is also a good antioxidant and could enhance the absorption of nutrients in the body.

When you talk of the herbs and spices, one of the more frequently used ingredient is Turmeric. It is a member of the ginger family, and is used to add coloring, flavor, and aroma to Indian food. Several benefits to health have been related to the use of Turmeric. It can help in detoxifying the liver, catalyze digestion, boost your body’s immune system, preserve a balance in digestion, and assist in fighting allergic tendencies. Turmeric has also been discovered to have anti-inflammatory components, so it can aid with issues such as arthritis. Coriander or Dhania is another popular herb used in Indian recipes.

It is customarily used as a garnish or as a decoration but you will be surprised as to how it can help your health in many ways. This herb contains anti-rheumatic and anti-arthritic properties. It also helps in reducing levels of cholesterol in the blood and in the arteries and veins. Other benefits include improving the function of your liver. It has antibacterial properties, and aids in emission of enzymes and digestive juices to aid in digestion. One more regularly used spice is dried red chili or Lal Mirch.

Most of the Indian food has a hot and spicy taste which is derived by adding dried red chili. Chilies have high levels of vitamins A and C which will supercharge your immune system. Additionally, it carries vitamin B and E which have anti-oxidant properties.

For more information on Indian Recipes please visit Indian Recipes and South Indian Recipes

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